New Plots Primary Gardner Name (required) Your Email (required) Your Mailing Address Phone Location HomeCellWork Phone Number Alternate Phone HomeCellWork Alternate Number Gardening Partner 1 (if any) Garden Partner 1 Email Gardening Partner 2 (if any) Garden Partner 2 Email Gardening Experience BeginnerStill LearningExpert I want to rent: 1 standing bed 10' x 20' $351 climbing bed 2' x 8' $5 I have read the garden Operating Rules, and agree to the conditions of having a plot at the community garden. I understand that only members in good standing may renew plots. I agree to keep the plot(s) and adjacent paths maintained in reasonable condition. I understand that any plots not maintained may be rescinded and any paid fees forfeited. I agree to perform 5 hours of community service for each standing plot rented, and 1 hour for each climbing bed.